More Sales Means More Satisfied Customers, is it True?

In wholesale business, changes happen on daily basis therefore it is hard to make predictions. Good sales in the first quarter of a year or during the start of a business do not mean that the rest of year will also be profitable. Therefore, you cannot set a generic plan and use it in the future to ensure steady sales. Since we all know that “Customer is always right,” we have to go an extra mile in satisfying them and only then you can get monitorial benefits and ensure steady returns. If you have a database of your customers, you can find answers of a few related and important questions by keeping in view their spending behaviour. Their spending behaviour helps you make the required sales strategy accordingly. It is commonly believed that the satisfied customers spend more money than less satisfied customers and most of the sales revenue is generated from the returning customers. The truth however is that none of the mentioned assumptions is correct. The customers who spend more amount buying your products and services do not have a tag attached to their names. Even if a considerable number of customers love to spend on your products, they would still not be associated with them as you have intended.

If you are not sure about how your satisfied customers feel and what their attitude is, how can you put more efforts to keep them buying the items you deal in? It is a fact that satisfied customers do not always contribute to generating more sales. For increasing revenue, you also need new and exciting range of wholesale products that can attract and please new customers. It is observed that most of the wholesale suppliers do not prefer experimenting with the range of products they deal in so they fail to diversify their product portfolio. They eventually lose new customers and instead rely heavily on older ones. For any wholesale supplier, being in the market is not all about increase the satisfaction level of your existing customers. The plan, instead, has to be to prosper in wholesale industry by increasing satisfaction level of your custom as well as the sales figure. This means introducing new wholesale products and service enhancements to attract and satisfy new customers as well. Once you have lined up the list of improvements and changes, it is time to involve your sales and marketing staff and figure the strategy will work better once implemented.

The next point to find out the factors that have contributed to decreasing number of sales is to figure out what has gone wrong with the wholesale products that has decreased the sales as well customers’ satisfaction level. Though, customer satisfaction scores are not necessarily linked with the sustainable growth but the importance of customer satisfaction cannot be questioned. It is because if customers’ sentiments are no longer attached with the company then its business success over time is uncertain. A question that arises here is, if customer satisfaction does not mean much, why have companies exaggerated the importance of their customers’ satisfaction and development of bonds with them? The connection that companies have with their customers is extremely important, but measuring customer satisfaction is not an effective way to gauge the strength of that connection. It also does not mean that increasing customer satisfaction means more sales. Satisfying your customers without creating an emotional connection with them has no real value. Experts have quantified the results of emotional attachment and engagement of a customer with a specific wholesale business, wholesale products or brand. And the result is that customer engagement scores have a very strong relationship with increased sales. In the absence of emotional attachment, financial results are generated through customer satisfaction are not guaranteed. So it is a big and established fact that as compared to less satisfied customers, satisfied customers, who are emotionally attached with you, spend more.

Using Social Media to Increase Sales and Brand Awareness

Companies are continuously launching marketing campaigns to help promote their logo and boost their sales. Some of they are highly successful – Carlsberg’s slogan and advertising of ‘probably the very best lager in the world’ generates excellent brand awareness and reputation. This then leads to increased sales and ultimately increased profits. However, many of these companies have large promoting budgets. What if your organization can’t afford these marketing initiatives? This is where Social media marketing also comes in. Most facebook marketing ‘tools’ cost nothing to utilize which enable it to supply the same amount of marketing exposure whether you are just starting out or really are a giant conglomerate. This article explains how you can use social media to increase sales at the relatively affordable.

Firstly, let’s just dispel the myth that social media marketing does not lead to a direct surge in sales. Here are some examples to prove this: Sony announced in February that through Twitter they’d earned a supplementary £1million in sales, Dell announced in June last year that their presence on Twitter taken into account $3 million dollars surge in sales. You might reason that these are two big companies plus they already have a brand name reputation. However, other smaller companies in addition have experienced increased sales through this type of marketing. John Fluevog Boots & Shoes Ltd, a little shoe making company in Canada, reported a 40% rise in sales in 2009, the same year it started social media, this was not by accident.

So how do social media help with increased sales for your organization? Social media tools allow you usage of millions of people. A television advert will attain the sightseeing during those times and allows for no interaction with the consumer. One tweet can reach thousands of people. Sainsbury’s as an example regularly tweet their latest offers. Anyone looking to match these could simply follow Sainsbury’s on Twitter. This gives a lot bigger potential client base and enables sales to raise, whilst also creating brand awareness. Furthermore, people can respond to these tweets, which provides a forum for customer interaction and therefore customer insight. Your business can emulate this, tweeting your promotions provides free advertising. If this is done creatively, it really can boost sales and get your company noticed.

Social media marketing works in a similar way with forms of promoting; it can be viral. A small company initially creates anything of mouth basis, people tell their friends. This type of promoting, especially Twitter and Facebook, work with the ‘friend’ concept. People can present you with positive reviews, recommend your products or services and tweet about your business. This whole social community allows your organization’s name and brand to become viewed by a tremendous amount of men and women. Continuous usage of social media marketing after a while creates brand awareness and so helps to improve sales. One of our clients, PeachorLemon, a vehicle review website, gained over one hundred followers on Twitter in just a week. This is a hundred more and more people who learn about promotions and will be offering, may tell their friends, check out the website or use other social media marketing outlets to cover PeachorLemon. All this creates brand awareness and as time passes increased utilization of the website, thus increasing its value.

The effect social media can have on brand awareness is crucial in the future of small business owners marketing strategy. Brand awareness is simply one manner in which sales are increased, there are many other important contributing factors. However, because this article has demonstrated, creating brand awareness through this new exiting variation of marketing may have a huge impact on your company and revenues.

7 Things to Do to Prepare For Your First Sales Call

Whenever you’ve got a sales call scheduled once you get your sales prospect – treat it being a golden opportunity.

Because actually this first sales call, is actually a golden opportunity in your case. What if your new sales prospect has the possible ways to become your largest customer.

What would the lifetime valuation on your largest customer mean?

Here are seven things you must do before calling on every new sales prospect.

Thing you want to do # 1:

Be likely to shop around understanding that means making Google the first stop. Do a search about the person’s name, the company name, and the name with their best selling product. You might be surprised with all the results you will get.

Thing you want to do # 2:

Now this is the little thing that could have a big impact. It can develop a powerful first impression to suit your needs.

Go to an office supply store and get a dozen red file folders. While you’re at the shop buy Avery product #8366 that are white file folder labels. Prepare a label with all the name of your brand-new sales prospect.

Imagine your prospect’s reply to seeing his name for this red file folder. He will immediately consider you professional, organized, successful, and different from other salespeople he’s familiar with yesteryear.

A little thing with a big impact.

Thing you should do # 3:

You must have a written sales call objective for your first sales call. Your written objectives just for this sales call normally include: to create rapport, establish credibility, to inquire about 3-5 open-ended questions, to identify one common appeal to you share, and also to secure agreement on your second meeting.

Your written sales call objectives will scream “Professionalism.” By contrast most salespeople arrive being a tourist just taking in the sights – pity the indegent sales prospect who must deal with this display of mediocrity.

Thing you should do # 4:

To obtain the ball rolling, building rapport and establishing credibility, I suggest you prepare and practice 3 – 5 open-ended questions.

Nothing shows your interest greater than the questions you may well ask – so be likely to ask good questions.

You can start with… tell me about your organization… what exactly are your responsibilities… in addition to you cure is associated with making decisions for… exactly what are the biggest challenges you’re facing growing your company?

Once again asking these questions will demonstrate your interest and professionalism, reliability , differentiate from most salespeople.

Thing you should do # 5:

If you enjoy playing the product tag game it is possible to immediately go on to # 6. It’s absolutely amazing what number of salespeople are not able to secure the meeting time and date to the second meeting.

Once you have qualified the sales prospect as a potential client make sure you remember rather than hesitate to question for your second meeting. Do not attempt improvisation. Prepare and exercise the method that you will ask for that second meeting.

Thing you want to do # 6:

This then all you have is especially important if you be a serious person. Before you obtain out of one’s car look at the rearview mirror to make sure you’re smiling.

Trust me, when you find yourself caught in traffic, owning a little late, just ended a telephone call using a disgruntled customer – please don’t think you have a happy face on. Check your mirror to look at the smile.

Thing you want to do # 7:

Try this affirmation on for size “This will likely be my best sales call ever to a different sales prospect.”

Right after you check to ensure you’re smiling saying this affirmation fills your brain with positive thoughts and words squeezing out any potential negativity.

You may not realize this but you are in complete control of your thoughts. And of course you know the method that you think is everything!

There’s a tremendous difference between self-doubt and self-confidence and both of them are controlled by your opinions.

This affirmation creates the perfect mindset for any very successful sales call.

Just try it once and see just how much better you really feel.

Now you understand the 7 things you want to do to prepare for the first sales call. Believe it or not you can have a 7-point system for making sales calls on new prospects.

Use this technique to make every sales call superior to the final one.

Let’s go sell something…

Discover the 12 Best Sales Questions To Ask Customers. When you may well ask these sales questions, you won’t be selling you’ll be solving your customer’s problems.

You’ll close more sales when i hear you ask these 12 clever sales questions.

3 Yes Only 3 Tips to Guaranteed Double Your Sales

THANK YOU… Today’s topic is 3 advice on selling skills that make your sells double… yes double… first answer me together with your heart do you wish to DOUBLE THE GROWTH AND THE RATE OF YOUR SALES… then just follow these 3 tips and that is solve my SIR

FIRST TIPS:::: Sales is 90% Conviction and 10% Communication of the Conviction This means that sales is certainly not it really is transfer of your Enthusiasm sir… this can be totally is dependent upon how much you spiritually, mentally, and fully connect with your customers, with full of emotions… sir when you get real realization of one’s product that how much strategy is vital that you you together with through which field next the realization got transfer in your customer sir, REMEMBER SIR COMMUNICATION IS NOT SALE CONVICTION IS THE SALES SIR just when you realise and convince with your product then you certainly only make an effort to represent it with brimming with enthusiasm that you just done when you convince using your protuduct which connect your customer very fast sir happened have to do any thigh… when you convince with your product sir then you definitely not want to understand communication to boost sales your system language autometicaly improve your sales sir… next your communication level isn’t just physical level or mental, intellectual level it become realisation level plus it become transformation not information to him but it’s transformation of one’s and your sale become transferring of one’s ENTHUSIASM and from then on he NOT INFORM YOU CUSTOMER HE INVOLVED YOUR CUSTOMER WITH YOU…

SECOND TIPS::: Connect with the Customer’s Problem or Goals sir… Remember sir if you attempt to Solve the Problem of one’s customer or Help to gain him his Goal along with your Product, someone let you know that he not have any symptom in his life then attempt to help him to achive his goal… SIR.. you need to do something together with your product to produce your sale either make an effort to solve some problem of the customer or try and help them to to achive their goal… THEN YOU BECOME A COMPULSION TO YOUR CUSTOMER AFTER DOING THAT YOU BECOME SO COMPULSORY TO YOUR CUSTOMER… AND YOU DEFINETLY GET SUCCESS IN MARKET SIR…

THIRD TIPS::: LAW OF INCREASING RETURN… F.ARE YOU LOOKING OR INCREASING RETURN COMMON SAY “say YES! or NO!” REMEMBER PLEASE… WHEN YOU GIVE MORE THAN WHAT YOU GET… SOON YOU GET MORE THAN WHAT YOU GAVE… YES REALLY… YOU GET MORE THAN WHAT YOU GIVE… SIR, your complaint is that you wish to equate with your relationship sir… think once you start aspecting in your relationship then it really is not only a relationship it become business and that is a weak business and if you wish to begin a great business then START GIVING MORE THEN WHAT YOU GET… SIR… A MAN THEIR WAS THEY CALLED HIM MAD… THE MAN HE GAVE THE MORE HE HAD… You Need to Actually Learn to Go Beyond Your Comfort Zone To Strech Your SUCCESS Please with example realize that sir there is certainly dominos pizza what he did sir he provide you with hot pizza in 30 min in your door step otherwise free he only ask you for for fast delivary unterstand that sir THE MORE YOU GAVE THEN MORE YOU GET IN Business… TO MAKE A SUCCESS FULL SALES IN MARKET THEN try and become a GAP PARTNER….. you just feel that you are not just a saler you’re christ for him solve problem or provide him with goal… and try and provide him more you then get then autometicaly he gave you more you have… for that first you might have to understand your products or services sir…

How To Communicate Your Sales Message So Buyers Take Action Now!

Wouldn’t you choose great that many time you made a sales presentation, write correspondence, send the sales literature or place an ad that you knew, with many certainty, that you simply could get your prospects for this and respond to your offer?

Well, to put it bluntly, it isn’t that difficult if you simply apply basic principles of selling. Unfortunately, marketing is amongst the least understood and arguably one of the least underutilized, plan of action, in business today.

Marketing has and can keep the gap between your survival and extinction of an business today. Treading our way into the long run with all the overwhelming velocity of day-to-day change in this wildly unpredictable changing marketplace, with shorter product life cycles, require businesses, large or small, with an edge or lose share of target competition.

Having the extra edge today involves refining your marketing with a holistic approach and razor-sharp strategies that accelerate your organization growth. The more I research and focus how businesses stay alive and well — the harder I am convinced and respect that strategic marketing could be the forerunner to optimizing our selling performance.

Think of computer this way: Visualize an umbrella – and label it “marketing” and “strategy.” Next, beneath the umbrella see advertising, branding, publicity, etc. Label the products, “selling” and “tactical processes.”

“Marketing,” — the strategies — is what favorably positions your business services or products in the mind from the customer and it is geared towards stimulating a desire and demand on the part of the customer to create a purchase.

“Selling” — the tactical processes — are tools used to educate, inform, influence and persuade purchasing actions from the client.

Both marketing and selling must lead the customer to action. For example: Advertising is salesmanship doing his thing. Radio, television, newspaper, direct mail (electronic or paper) and magazines ought to be constructed in the same demanding method that a salesperson produces a presentation to your prospective customer.

The same skills, habits and attitudes that are required of the salesperson for influencing action, on the part in the customer, ought to be directly aligned with the various tactical processes.

For example — The successful salesperson must:

  1. Develop and build rapport
  2. Understand customer needs
  3. Emphasize tangible benefits
  4. Skillfully move a customer toward a purchase
  5. Keep the prospective customer “engaged” in the purchase process
  6. Strategically link an item or services to a customer’s most significant needs and issues
  7. Detail the item or service to motivate the purchasing action in the customer

Each advertising piece utilized in your marketing arsenal – newspaper ad, magazine ad, direct response mailing, advertising campaign should produce a complete and compelling case for your products and services inside same method in which a salesperson would do directly.

  1. Do your ads (metaphorically) speak with your customers – can they build a rapport?
  2. Are your brochures, letters, newsletters, ads and pr material believable and emotionally peak the curiosity of folks to wish to find out more?
  3. Is your marketing targeted toward perspective customers who have an actual need for the products and services – have the funds and happy to spend it?
  4. Does your marketing materials educate and emphasize each of the tangible benefits to maintain the prospective customer engaged and motivated to adopt a purchasing action.

Today isn’t the time for it to be timid in your marketing. People need a nudge for making decisions. They want and be prepared to find out how to do this to acquire your products.

Take an assessment of your respective strategic marketing and selling action mentioned above and in addition see should you are:

  1. Educating your customers in regards to the unique advantages your products and services offered:

a). Service guarantees

b). Technical or manufacturing support

c). Warranties

d). Durability and dependability

e). New product developments

f). Upgrades and product enhancements

g). Delivery

  1. Asking strategic questions for:

a). Linking products to customers needs

b). Providing solutions for his or her problems

c). Manage customer relationships

d). Keeping your customer and prospective customer engaged in the buying process

  1. Active Listening for:

a). Emotional triggers

b). Logical reasoning

  1. Handling objections to:

a). Minimizing concerns

b). Overcome obstacles

  1. Presenting benefits that:

a). Motivate your customer’s loyalty and getting action

b). Advantage your services and products over your competitors

Now could be the time and energy to pull out your entire marketing materials, ads, sales scripts, brochures, presentation materials, marketing channels, e-mail, check your attitudes, habits and skills – it’s time for it to be innovative, nontraditional and bold inside your thinking and business dealings.

The 4 Areas of Essential Sales Skills

For an organization to sustain continued growth and success, sales must occur with a continuous rate. If there is a sales culture within a business, then it’s prone to find success more than a long period of time. A company where every individual gets the necessary skills to be aware of and nourish what prompts a potential customer to get will certainly generate more revenue and outshine their competition. Educating everyone in the company about basic sales skills and showing them how their job affects the revenue in the company is what turns buyers into long-term customers.

For the business enterprise team of developers itself you can find 4 parts of essential skills that sales professionals must master as a way to build lasting relationships with customers also to learn how to close deals on a regular basis. These are personal skills, relationship skills, professional business skills and return on investment skills. If you hone knowing about it of such skill areas you’ll be on the way to transforming into a successful sales rep.

In addition to emphasizing sales skills, everyone in the company must also concentrate on the clients’ needs. Sales experts who take the selfish viewpoint will aim to close the deal no matter what. Sometimes this is towards the detriment of lasting relationships with clients that may yield less immediate rewards but bigger in the grand scheme of things.

Let’s examine several areas that are important to sales professionals:

  • Personal Skills: Ensure that the sales professional is assured and competent using their own skill sets and self awareness.
  • Relationship Skills: Ensure that you have good interpersonal skills that can be used collaboratively to build trusting and lasting relationship with co-workers, customers and employers.
  • Professional Business Skills: Have the ability to plan effectively, which range from business planning, objective setting and goal definition, metric and measurement of achievements towards targets.
  • Return on Investment Skills: The ability to combine all the other skill sets make it possible for sales professionals to maximise the potential from an environment of sales culture. This would be inside form of constantly going after new innovations, products and service development. Always aiming to boost your services and sustain lasting customer relationships.

Take these 4 aspects of sales skills and be competent at them. When this continues to be achieved there is a tools to use to create trusting and business focused relationships with customers. To reiterate the idea again, if you take a person centric viewpoint and combining it with your own individual sales skills you may engage the shoppers along with your fellow employees in such a way that will only sustain increase of sales as well as the organization overall. By taking this standpoint on the more selfish approach, you happen to be giving who you are a better probability of higher monetary and reputational gain because your career progresses.

In order to achieve this time you will need to put inside extended stays of developing your skills. Much of this rests with all the sales leaders within a corporation. Sales leaders must coach their staff, evaluate and mentor sales professionals and assist them in developing solid plans and opportunities to increase power they have to guide effective sales campaigns.

If each team member is customer focused and it is fully prepared and educated to deliver inside their field of expert knowledge, your small business will likely be to an absolute formula. This system of labor provides clarity on connections towards the customer and your targets being reached at all times.

If each individual sales professional has got the basics right, the simple stuff that people overlook from time to time, you may bring more appeal and visibility for a career. Aim to become the best listener and approach clients as real people which you want to generate a lasting relationship with.

Treat people while you would want to be treated, be polite and courteous, embark on compelling and fruitful conversations. Everything else will belong to place; your customer centric viewpoint will help you to develop resilient relationships that benefit your customers, the organization you might be employed by, and many crucially yourself. Your essential sales skills have progressed from someone focus with a more general and external focus, and today finally with a strategic focus.

The 4 essential sales skills will take you a long way if used correctly and paired using the customer needs in the center or all your interactions.

Since 1984, Todd Cohen has coached and led sales teams to deliver over $500 million in revenue for leading companies including Xerox, Gartner Group, Pensare, Thomson-Reuters, and LexisNexis.

As the Principal of SalesLeader LLC, Todd inspires, advises, and builds powerful sales teams that produce outstanding results. He also provides strategic oversight for sales teams and is executive sales coach and advisor to clients ranging from small, growing start-ups to well-established, large corporations. Todd is a frequent speaker at sales conferences and national association meetings and hosts his very own radio show “Let’s Talk Sales Culture.” Todd’s book “Everyone’s in Sales” will probably be out in summer 2011.

Todd will be the founder of The Innovators Club, co-founder of LinkedIn Live Philly, and co-leader of Career Transitions – a non-profit group dedicated to helping professionals in transition. He is really a professional member in the National Speakers Association, a board member in the NSA Philadelphia chapter, and serves as chair in the Sales and Marketing group from the Greater Philadelphia Senior Executives Group. Todd may be active within the American Cancer Society and also other charitable organizations. He holds a Bachelors Degree in Business Administration from Temple University.

Is the Successful Sales Person Made Or Born?

Many instances when we feel of an salesperson our mind raises images to be stuck a business office at the automobile dealership or held captive in a timeshare presentation. But all sales effort is not like this. It is true that it requires a particular type personality to succeed in sales. A career in sales can provide you the chance to earn an above average income and unlimited potential for growth.

When I majored in marketing many years ago we had been taught that everybody is selling someone something on a regular basis. You can have the best product on the globe but nothing happens until someone sells it. As people were always selling ourselves to others. I think one of the many things needed to be successful in sales can be a love of people. A salesman is always available, always meeting people, and constantly networking. So, exactly what will it take to achieve in sales?

A sales representative will need to have a positive attitude. Sales probably a lot more than any other occupation involves rejection. With most products you must ask some amount of people to purchase prior to sale is definitely made. Years ago when I sold life insurance coverage, I eventually identified what my sales ratio was. I had to ask about 10 people, quite simply get 10 no’s, before someone opted for set a scheduled appointment with me at night. You have to have a confident attitude to digest very much rejection day in and outing.

A sales person will need to have a plan. There are some jobs you can do that don’t require a great deal of planning. But when you’re asking a person to spend their hard earned money you need to have math. You need training, sales materials, an exhibition, and a system. Some companies provide leads or territories but typically most sales reps are responsible for locating their particular prospects. Sometimes people in sales have difficulties managing their time. Particularly ones which are outside of the office all day. A successful sales rep has to be capable to manage their time. Having an idea is the best technique of doing this.

A salesman must be committed to their success. It has for ages been argued in case a salesperson is done or born. My opinion is that you simply are born with a specific personality type and particular kinds learn better in sales. Typically the more outgoing person ends up in sales but it surely will depend on the product or service you are selling. An introvert may become more outgoing and can reach your goals in sales. But it could be tougher on their behalf. To be successful in sales a person have to be happy to learn everything about the product these are selling, sales techniques, and the ways to get along with others. This can require time. It takes 10 years to become a doctor, several years to become lawyer, and 1000 hours to turn into a barber. Many times those in sales throw in the towel after just a couple of weeks or months, before they’ve had time to learn what exactly is needed to be successful.

A sales person have to be prepared to continue learning and growing. Sales people are normally likely to be knowledgeable about their goods as well as their company. They have to stay with the surface of what’s happening as products change and situations change. Because they’ve a lot connection with people they need to be mindful of what’s happening around them. Herbert Hoover said “the super-wise man learns from the connection with others.” Top sales representatives attend meetings, read books, and escort others inside sales profession.

A salesperson need to know how you can set goals. Some jobs just happen whether you need to do anything or otherwise. But sales don’t just happen. You have to create them happen. It is critical which a salesperson recognize how many sales they should make to meet their quota, what kind of money they need to earn to maintain their style of living, and what they should do to generate this happen. The best way to do this would be to set daily, weekly or monthly goals.

A salesperson has to be excited about their product. It is difficult to sell something you do not rely on. When you really rely on something, your partner can see and feel your passion. If you don’t like the merchandise or perhaps the company, the sale will be harder. It has been said that nothing great was every achieved without enthusiasm.

A salesperson must strive and smart. Sales efforts are challenging. Much efforts is needed if your are to achieve success. But making an effort isn’t enough. One must work smart by managing their some time and resources well, being disciplined, and pursuing the demonstration of others who happen to be successful. When I was at sales we followed the principle of “and then some.” I didn’t just provide my best, I gave it my best and then some. At the end of the day when I was all set to go home I would make one more sales call. Often that call is the one that produced a procurement. By giving just a little more time and effort you may propel yourself from the average salesperson to your super sales rep.

All of the above tips have little to perform with age, education, background, marital status, or sex. Some types of sales require specialized education or training but not these do. For the most part, success in sales is dependent upon the individual, by their attitude. Anyone can succeed as a sales representative, if they wants it badly enough.

I am a private life coach, writer and speaker. As the owner of Life Transitions, I focus on helping the abused rebuild their lives.

I am obsessed with women’s issues especially enjoy helping them develop their full potential. Life provides many chances to begin all over again, like a cat with nine lives.